In Cambodia, a business combination refers to the acquisition of controlling or voting rights through the purchase of shares or assets by one entity from another, or the merge of two or more entities to obtain joint ownership of an existing or a new legal entity. Click here to read more on Legal Alert on […]
In support of the enhancement of the Law on the Consumer Protection (“LCP”) which was promulgated in November 2019, the Ministry of Commerce (“MoC”) issued the Prakas No. 0067 on Unfair Term Clause (“Prakas”) on 01 March 2022, in order to set out formalities and procedure to govern Standard Form Contracts and unfair contract clauses[…..]
It has been almost three years and a half now since the promulgation of the Law on Trust (“LoT”) in January 02, 2019. Noticeably, following the introduction of the LoT, some relevant regulations have been issued to provide further details and instruction on the establishment and registration procedure, licensing and approvals, obligation and responsibilities of[…..]
Sub-Decree No. 110 on Granting an Authorization for the Operations of Information & Telecommunication Technology (“Sub-Decree”) was issued by the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications (“MPTC”) in July 21, 2017. Remarkably, among other purposes, this Sub-Degree aims to ensure an effective management of Information Communication Technology (“ICT”) industry, and is specifically applicable for all businesses[…..]